
Contact us

Company information
Company code: 251231370
VAT identifier: LT512313716
Registration address: Stoties str. 8E,
Marijampole LT-68112, Lithuania
Factory address: Stoties str. 10,
Marijampole LT-68112, Lithuania
Phone: +370 343 70562
Fax: +370 343 70469
Bank: AB „Šiaulių bankas“
Bank code: 71818
Account No: LT397181800008467690
Bank: AB “Citadele”
Bank code: 72900
Account No: LT187290000009467384
Bank: PKO Bank Polski
Account No: PL74102013320000180214508313
Contact information

Stoties str. 10, Marijampole LT-68112, Lithuania

Purchasing department



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Our agents and local partners

Our clients can reach us through the wide range of agents and local partners. From now on, all FASA authorized agents are certified.

Sales and Marketing

Jolanta Petkeviciene

Deputy CEO
Head of Sales and Marketing
North America, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine

Zivile Algeniene

Sales manager
West Europe, Asia, North, West and Central Africa, Far East, Australia, New Zealand

Boris Buravkov

Sales manager
Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Latvia

Eivile Rugieniute

Marketing manager

Irma Norbutaite

Sales manager
Middle East, India, Bangladesh, Nepal,
CIS countries, East and South Africa

Giedrius Slekys

Sales manager
North and Central Europe, South and Central America, Caribbean Sea countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan

Spare parts and technical support

Aivaras Tereskevicius

Head of Customer Service

Janina Jurgeleviciute

Sales Manager

Purchasing department

Rasa Scerbaviciute

Purchasing Manager

Arunas Uzkurelis

Head of Purchasing


Irmantas Breiteris

Subcontracting Manager
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